Monday Tips for Busy Moms: Valentine’s Day

Monday Tips for Busy Moms: Valentine’s Day
By Jennifer Worthington Lower

Well, Valentines Day is here and what is a busy couple to do? If you’re like my husband and I, not a whole lot, unfortunately. Unless V-day lands on a Saturday, there will be no glamorous night out with roses and candies, no sipping wine by candle light, no lingerie or cuddle time….and let’s get real, that’s not even going to happen on a Saturday, so what do we do?
Because we work opposite schedules we try to set aside time on a regular basis for date nights. We have quite a few things to celebrate November through February so we do “combo” celebrations. My husband’s birthday is in January, so half way between his birthday and V-day we splurged on a nice night out. We got the grandparents to babysit, picked a fancy restaurant for dinner, and enjoyed a long, leisurely dinner by the fire and enjoyed each other’s company. It was delightful!
Do I wish we could be heading out on a romantic evening tonight? A little. But we had a great night and it was so low key because everyone else wasn’t rushing in for a special holiday-just us. We also get each other a little something special on the actual day itself. It’s usually a very mushy card and a small gift from the heart. This is how we do many birthdays and holidays between us and then we save the big stuff for the kids. We are busy and tired but we still want to set aside time for us, as we and all couples should. It’s just hard. Sometimes it’s difficult to get our schedules straight, but it is really important to us not to lose that “loving feeling”. One day, when the kids are grown and we have more time on our hands (yeah, right), we will plan a weekend getaway and spend the whole thing alone, celebrating our love. But for now, this works for us.
What works for you?

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