Small Steps to a Healthier You

February has completely crept up on me and I have no idea how that happened.  I’m generally not one for making resolutions for the new year, and this year was no different.  However, I will say that I have tried to make some changes in my life to become healthier.  Not sure that qualifies as “New Year’s Resolution” but it’s close.  It’s something my family and I have been working on for several months now.  Maybe my resolution is to continue to try to be healthy any way I can.  With two little ones at home that’s about all I can manage at this point, but I think it is a good starting point! 
I’ll admit that when I first got married, I slipped into that comfort zone of eating what my husband ate.  This led to eating not only WHAT but also HOW MUCH.  Ouch.  That was not good for the waistline.  Then came pregnancies only 18 months apart and well, that waistline could really use some help now!  I found that I needed to craft little ways to help myself.  I knew with it being cold outside and having two little ones, I wasn’t getting much “me” time to hit a gym or go on a speed walk.  So, this is what I’ve done for the short term, and I am going to try to add to it as I can (and as the kids get older!):
Smaller portions.  We all hear about how our portion size in this country is completely out of whack.   Well, my husband has started this and I am following suit.  We eat our cereal in a smaller “desert” bowl.  The same goes for dinners as well, we try to scrap the big dinner plates in lieu of some smaller appetizer sized plates.  I can’t say I always walk away from the table stuffed, but I definitely am eating my fill and am no longer hungry.

Less Packaging.  It’s so easy to pick up some fast food, or grab that pre-made sandwich at the store, but that just adds extra food and/or calories that I really don’t need.  Do I really need the glob of mayo the store put on that sandwich, or would a small bit of mustard have done the trick?  So, we’re started to eat out less and trying to make more things at home (I’m even going to try my hand at making wheat bread – but that is an entirely different post!).
Get moving.  I mentioned before about the toddler and nearly preschooler I have, right?  Yeah, we’re in the stages (respectively) of hating the stroller and wanting to run away from Mommy.  So, you see, we don’t get out much.  Add to that this crazy weather we have had and, well, Mama has been indoors. A lot. So, to buck this trend, I am trying to make it a goal to have somewhere to be once a day.  It can be a run to the grocery store, or a walk across the street to a neighbor’s house for a playdate – but we need to get walking!  Hopefully with Spring coming this will be an easier task!

Help from other Moms. Have you seen Montco Mom’s newest contributors?  There are some great tips in both our new columns Fitting in Fitness and Mission Nutrition.  Sometimes it just takes a little reminder from one of these posts to be inspired by some of the easy things a mom can do to get healthy. 
Maybe next year I will coin my “get healthy aspirations” as a New Year’s Resolution.   Or, maybe I’ll just stick with taking small steps to a healthier me as I can.  After all, every little bit helps!

So, Chesco Moms… what small steps are you taking to be healthier?  We’d love to hear!

We’d love for you to share details about the Dannon Sweepstakes with your readers, which can be found at Also, we would really appreciate you discussing any small steps that you and your family are talking to live a healthier life.

Disclosure:“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Dannon and received a coupon and gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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