Monday Tips for Busy Moms: Ways to Reuse Cloth Diapers

Happy Monday! I was thinking about ways to reuse things that I have lying around the house this week and I realized that this would probably be helpful for others (if they haven’t thought of it before me, which is likely). One thing that I have a TON of sitting around the house is cloth diapers. These are the white cotton ones that aren’t often still used as a diaper, but as burp cloths or changing pads. When you have infants you are constantly walking around with a cloth on your shoulder to protect your clothing and so you buy them in bulk, but then what do you do with them?
I love the two previously mentioned uses for them and still use them that way occasionally, but mainly I use them as washcloths. I found that I prefer them to the actual baby washcloths and regular washcloths tend to be too bulky to use on the kids. I use the well-used ones as cleaning cloths and rags and I often use them as dish towels in the kitchen because they have great absorbency.
The kids like to use them as teethers. I have bought many a teething ring in my time but they never get used for that purpose. Washcloths and cloth diapers seem to be the teether of choice with my little guys. They can be used just the way they come or you can also dampen them and place them in the refrigerator or freezer to cool them for baby’s sore gums. My daughter also seems to feel that cloth diapers are the perfect “towel” or “blanket” for her little babies, which is adorable, in my opinion of course.
I hope these tips were useful to some of you and maybe spawned new ideas on how to reuse and save money in the future. Please share your ideas-others can use the help (I know I sure can)!

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