Monday Tips for Busy Moms: Organization aorthington Lower

I think that a smart phone is one of the most valuable resources a busy parent can have. I often think about what life was like before the cell phone, email, Facebook, Twitter, etc… and I just can’t wrap my mind around it. I remember those times, but I don’t understand how adults functioned without constant contact. I get antsy just waiting for a return email that ends up coming back to me with in a few hours, let alone not receiving an immediate reply to a text message. It is insane, but that’s life today. We move at a much quicker pace and there is no time to slow down.
I currently own a Blackberry Tour and I am impatiently awaiting my contract renewal time so that I can get something that will cater to my needs, which are a little different than they were when I got it. This means faster internet capabilities and a full screen that allows me to substitute it for my PC when necessary. I love my Blackberry and I was ECSTATIC when I got it (and still love for what it does for me every day). But two years later, my internet presence is much more valuable to me than it once was and I need a phone that is less “strictly business” and more “business casual”, you know?
That being said, there are so many things that I rely on daily, that my little handheld buddy does for me. Here are a few of my favorite applications:
It stores my passwords, with a password, and that is MONUMENTAL. I hate leaving things like that lying around to be misplaced or seen by the wrong person.
My calendar is always updated and synced with my Google calendars so that I am up-to-date no matter where I actually plug in an event.
I have memos out the wazoo (that’s a technical term). I even have a running tab of my children’s milestones so that I can get them into their baby books when I have a minute.
I have documents stored and saved and I sometimes find myself composing when I am in a situation where I am waiting in a waiting room or stuck in traffic.
I have pictures, pictures, and more pictures saved and I record on a regular basis. All of this is stored neatly on the device and I don’t have to worry about carrying a camera and a recorder with me at all times.
The backup software is a lifesaver and I don’t know what I would do if I had to back up all of my data on my own all the time. LOVE IT.
Without my smart phone, I have no idea what I would do with myself and I feel totally naked on those occasions where I accidentally leave it at home or in the car. What did parents, and people in general, do before these handy little guys? What are you favorite organizational and time-saving applications?

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