Fitting In Fitness: Girls’ Morning Out

With February knocking on our doors I’m betting all those new years’ resolutions to get fit are about to go by the wayside–if they haven’t already. Don’t worry, I totally get it. It’s natural. Getting fit and staying fit are so challenging, especially when your plate is as full as it is.

Montgomery County Moms is embarking on a new blogging adventure. It’s called Fitting In Fitness and you’ll find it right here alternating Wednesdays. The goal of this blog is to help you and your family find free or inexpensive ways to get out and move. I’m going to give you workouts and inspiration to keep you going.

To start things off I’m going to suggest you throw out the idea of a Girls’ Night Out and opt for a Girls’ Morning Out. Now I’m not saying give up that weekly, or monthly, or in most cases, every few months night out with the girls. I’m saying try reaching out to the women around you for inspiration, motivation and accountability when it comes to your workout routine. Set up dates to meet at a park and walk, take an inexpensive fitness class together, or trade child care so you can each get in a workout. The possibilities are endless. Here are some simple, free or low-cost ideas:

Meet at your local coffee shop for their low-cost group exercise class.
Boyertown’s Hard Bean Cafe offers Sam’s Vinyasa Yoga Class every Wednesday for a low price of $5. Creative Steps Dance in Spring City offers Zumba with Latasha Whitmore every Saturday for $7 a class or $5 a class if you buy a punch card.

Get a group together and hire a personal trainer. offers a listing of personal trainers willing to come to your home and lead a group exercise class of your choice for anywhere between $60-$100. Divide that out among friends and that’s a great way to go.

Bundle up the whole family and get walking.
Okay, I know this isn’t getting some time alone with friends, but there are so many organized walks at the hundreds of parks in our area and they are all FREE. Here are just a few:
Central Perkiomen Valley Park in Schwenksville (215-234-8497)
Valley Forge Audubon Society at the Betzwood Park Entrance (484-868-8274)
John James Audubon Center at Mill Groove (484-410-1157)
Warwick County Park (610-212-3245)

Play at the playground.
This one is for when the snow melts: Head to your local playground and while the kids burn off some energy you and your workout partner can do some strength training. Here are five simple, equipment free exercises. Try starting with ten reps of each exercise and go up from there every two weeks. Ideally, you’ll do these twice a week, but aim for once a week because that’s realistic.
1. Lunges
2. Modified Push-Ups
3. Plank Holds
4. Tricep Dips using a bench
5. Bounding Exercises

I’ve been exercising with the same group of women for over ten years now. Not only have they gotten me fit and kept me fit, they’ve held my hand through the good and bad. They’ve solved many of my problems. They’ve made my world a happier and healthier place. Get out there, find your girls and work on your fitness–we are all in this together.

Fitting in Fitness appears every other Wednesday. Before becoming a mother to one inquisitive little boy named Ethan, Montco Mom Sarah spent five years working in the fitness publishing industry. She finds peace, and a sense of self, through running, weight-training and practicing yoga. You’ll find her motivating fitness blog here every other Wednesday. Questions, inquiries and inspiration are always welcome. 

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