Help Your Kids Through the Winter Blues

Help Your Kids Through The Winter Blues

The long-awaited Winter Break is over. Now what? The wind is biting, the snow is falling and Spring Break isn’t for four more months! Your children may feel there’s not much to look forward to other than colds, midterms and state testing. How can we, as parents, help them beat these “Winter Blues”? Here are a few ideas:

Get creative! During the winter, every day can feel like a Monday. Try making each day of the week something your child can look forward to. One day of the week could be a “Special Snack Day” where they get to choose a treat to go in their lunch. How about a “Try Something New” day? On these days help them try a new hairstyle, a new accessory (or repurpose an old piece of clothing), a new meal, or even meet a new friend. You can also have Family Game Nights, Parent/Child Date Nights, Pizza Days, or Movie Nights.

Get moving! Exercise is vital, especially during this time of year because it keeps us healthy, warm and releases hormones to keep us in a good mood. You can bundle up and take a walk with your child or you could stay inside and dance to your favorite tunes, play hide-and-seek or get active with games on the Wii or Xbox Kinect.

Get Involved! Sign your kids up for a winter sport, or prepare for a spring sport. Help them find a club to join or try a new hobby. Take lessons on an instrument, or learn a new craft. Join in the fun and practice with them. Share stories with them about the hobbies and sports you participated in as a child. Maybe you can rekindle a hobby you put away and enjoy it together with your son or daughter!

Most importantly, model a positive attitude for your kids. They will pick up on the mood and attitude you have about your job or daily routine; and often imitate it when it’s time to go to school. Your excitement for each day, even if you have to fake it sometimes, will go a long way in creating a happy and healthy home through these long, winter days.

About Me:

Abby is a new SAHM who has taught in the public and cyber charter school systems. Along with her husband, who is also a teacher, she teaches music lessons in the West Chester area and leads the Youth Group at their church. She has a Bachelor of Music Education from West Chester University as well as a Master of Science in Educational Media Design & Technology.

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