Introducing Burnt Toast Studios and "The Beautiful Room"

My name is Jenny Bash. I design, decorate and paint nurseries and kid’s rooms and have so many stories of happy little kids who love their rooms. I am the owner of Burnt Toast Studios. Burnt Toast Studios began as two former college roomies who would meet in our kitchens and dream up crazy art projects to keep our creative spirits lifted. Today, we design, decorate and paint rooms for clients in and around Chester County.

One story that tugs on my heartstrings is that of Sarah, a two year old who was in awe of Tinkerbell. At the time she didn’t talk much yet but her face lit up every time she saw Tinkerbell and her fairy friends! Her parents wanted to create a room for her that she would adore. I met them when I was working with Oh, Baby! in West Chester. We had beautiful fabrics and plenty of creative minds working at the time to help them create bedding, window treatments and to select furniture that Sarah could grow with through the years. Once all of the pieces were placed in the room, I went over and thought about how to enhance it with Tinkerbell art. Over the headboard I painted a flowering vine like those in the Tinkerbell book chapter headings. In one corner, a tea party was happening on giant leaves painted as background in her play area. And, another corner had a tiny mouse and some fairies flying by. Sarah loved the room so much and, by the time it was all done, she had started really talking and referred to her room as “the beautiful room.” When her mom told me this I teared up (it doesn’t take much). Tears of happiness though because nothing she could have said would have been a better compliment than that.

I tell you that story to help you find your own design direction for your kids’ rooms. Start with something they love be it a character, a toy or just a combination of colors. Use it as your launching pad to complete the room. I approach room designs the same way I had approached creating ads (ages ago before I had kids and found my second career), by interviewing my clients and listening to what they like and want to achieve. For example, if you’re decorating a nursery do you want to have a sleepy place that’s soothing and relaxing or do you want it to be a place that stimulates and sparks some activity? Or, do you want a combination of the two – a bit of play space AND a nice sleeping area that will keep them peaceful for hours? Once you make that decision then it’s on to what goes where and which colors are more dreamy and which are more energizing, etc. Make a plan, draw it up, and then keep your eyes open everywhere you go for those special accents and toys that will help to make your vision fall into place.

You can see more of Sarah’s room and others on my website portfolio, Burnt Toast Studios. If you need help with any part of your room design, give me a ring or shoot me an email.


Burnt Toast Studios

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