Costume Swap & Mom’s Night Out!

Are you starting to think about what to dress your little ones up as for Halloween this year? Lacking time (or in my case, I will admit it, the talent!) to make a fabulous home-made costume? Then look no further!

In conjunction with a day being celebrated nationally (a week later, but we are just cooler here in Philly and do things ahead of time!) come on out for the first Costume Swap & Mom’s Night Out, held at the Swarthmore Community Center. The idea behind this event is to reduce waste by re-using costumes, with the thought being that if we buy less costumes, then right there we have less packaging which reduces what is in our landfills!

This event is being planned by our friend Trina from O’Boy! Organic, as well as a few other local mom bloggers:

Shannon from Philly Burb Moms
Andrea from PARENTise
Jessica from Delcopamoms

And moms, did we mention that this is a FREE event? The rules only require that you bring a minimum of 1 costume to trade (though you can bring more!) and if you are so inclined, a bottle of wine to share with your friends (the event is BYOB and we’ll have appetizers).

So head on over to the Facebook page for this event, where you can learn more about the Swap and also RSVP (and be sure to tell your friends, too!)

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