Tasty Tuesday

I have been out of commission quite a bit this summer! I am pregnant with #2, and in the midst of finding out, we’ve moved, become first-time homeowners, and I was recently in the hospital with bad head pains.


When life gets crazy, having simple, easily thrown together recipes are key to survival. With school starting in just a few weeks (augh! I don’t have school-aged children, but my husband is a teacher, so it feels just as jarring for school to start), these quick and easy recipes will be essential! It’s hard getting re-adjused to the School Year Schedule, with the addition of busrides, homework, and Fall Sports. Make sure to keep good recipes on hand!

One of my favorite quick and easy recipes for crazy nights is Baked Ziti. Sadly, even though I am 50% Italian, I only recently learned how to make Ziti. And I felt pretty sheepish, when I realized just how simple it is and how fast it comes together! This is great to throw together in the morning (or the night before), so it is ready to thrown into the oven when you get home. 30 minutes later, and you have a warm and tasty dinner! Add a bagged salad and a loaf of crusty bread, and your family will be full and satisfied (and hopefully will provide some leftovers as well!)


Baked Ziti

•1 lb (1 box) ziti pasta

•1 jar of prepared tomato sauce

* I TBS of minced garlic

•15-16oz of Ricotta Cheese

•2 cups shredded Mozzarella Cheese, divided

1) Cook pasta according to package directions, drain.

2) While pasta is cooking, combine sauce, ricotta cheese, garlic, and 1 1/2 cups Mozzarella cheese in a mixing bowl. When pasta is done/drained, combine with the cheese/sauce mixture. Top with remaining 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese.

3) Spread into 9×13-inch baking pan. Bake at 350º for 25-30 minutes


I like adding the garlic to give it more of a “homemade” taste. This recipe comes out perfect every time, and is a real crowd pleaser. Yum!

Have a great week, and make sure to enjoy these last few weeks of Summer!

You can read more about Steph’s life and recipes at her personal blog, Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom

One Response to “Tasty Tuesday”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    what size jar of tomato sauce do you use? Do you mean pasta sauce or tomato sauce?

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