Tasty Tuesday

Just today, I was looking at my calendar, trying to plan ahead for the rest of the Summer. I could hardly believe my eyes to see that we are in the LAST WEEK of JULY! This time next week will be AUGUST. That means it’s practically time for SCHOOL to START. Which means my favorite most favorite season will soon be upon us: Autumn.


I love Autumn. And all the wonderful events, sights, tastes and smells that go along with it.

But it isn’t Autumn yet. There is still some Summer yet to be had (although, can I just say it’s been Summer since, like, April? Can we say “enough,” Mother Nature?). So I have a great Farm Fresh recipe to share with you today, which can be served as either an amazing BBQ side dish OR a Meatless Main meal.

And ::ahem:: I came up with it myself. I know. Be proud.

These kabobs are really easy to marinate, assemble, grill and enjoy. I HIGHLY recommend checking the veggie selection that is currently underway at your local Farmer’s Market. Heck, if you feel adventurous, add some fruit (I think using fresh peaches might taste AMAZING. Actually, I might try this myself later this week. When my electricity decides to turn back on. But that’s another story for another day). I will list the veggies I usually marinate and skewer with this recipe – but go with what you 1) like and 2) can find at your local Farmer’s Market.



•1 Green Pepper, cut into large chunks

•1 Red Pepper, cut into large chunks

•1 Onion, cut into large chunks

•1-2 cartons of Cherry Tomatos, halved

•1 large can of Diced Pineapple Chunks, drained

•1 or 2 Mozzarella Balls, cut into large chunks (roughly 1/2 inch)

Awesome Grilling Marinade (click here for recipe)

•Skewers (if using wooden skewers, soak in water for 15-30 minutes at minimum)

1) Make marinade, and marinate all the vegetables (ie: everything above minus mozzarella and pineapples) for 1-2 hours (longer is even better)

2) Alternate green pepper, tomato, pineapple, red pepper, mozzarella, tomato, pineapple, onion, pineapple, mozzarella, pineapple…you get the picture…on the skewers

3) Grill kabobs for about 5 minutes, turning every 1-2 minutes, or until cheese begins melting (should still retain it’s shape though).

4) Enjoy!


Ok. Now that I’ve typed out the recipe and have had time to think about it, I REALLY think that slapping some peaches on those skewers between the cheese and veggies would be phenomenal, adding a sweet note to this otherwise savory meal/side dish.

If you try this, leave a comment below – I’d love to know how this turns out for you!

Have a great week – and enjoy this beautiful weather!

You can read more about Steph’s life and recipes on her personal blog, Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom.

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