Eat Local Philly…Your Guide to farm fresh Sweet Corn in Chester County.

My favorite thing about summertime is the abundance of fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables available on nearly every street corner. Do yourself and your family a favor and bypass the grocery store and stop by your local farm stand instead. Locally grown produce is generally more nutritious and better tasting than what is flown in from other parts of the country, and buying local supports our local economy. It’s a win-win!

Right now farmers all over the region are picking their first batches of sweet corn. Many times you can buy corn that has been picked that very day. And my friends, there is NOTHING on this good earth better than biting into a juicy, buttery, salty ear of sweet corn fresh from the farm. We have had corn-on-the-cob with dinner almost every night this week.

Here is a list of a few of the farm stores and farmers’ markets where you should be able to find fresh homegrown sweet corn in Chester County.

Farmer’s Daughter, Spring City
Farmers’ Market at Great Valley, Malvern
Highland Orchards, West Chester
Phoenixville Farmers’ Market, Phoenixville
Vollmecke Orchards, Coatsville
West Chester Grower’s Market, West Chester

What’s your favorite place to buy fresh, local produce?

Jo-Lynne is the founder of Eat Local Philly. When she’s not seeking out new sources for local foods, she is probably elbow-deep in bread dough or musing on weighty topics such as fashion and reality TV on her personal blog, Musings of a Housewife. You can also find her beautifying the blogosphere at DCR Design.

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