Tasty Tuesday

When I got married a few years ago, I had only just begun to collect recipes. I was so excited (and scared…and overwhelmed) by the prospect that my husband and no longer had the comfort of our parents making us dinner every night; it was up to us to cook and feed ourselves. Eek! I was a capable cook (and so is my husband, who is more courageous in creating meals WITHOUT a recipe), but I had very few recipes in my arsenal. So, I spent a lot of time at work (ONLY during down time, of course) perusing cooking and recipe sites for meals to try. I’d print my finds, go to the grocery store to pick out the ingredients, and head home for an evening of culinary experimentation.

Many times, this was an awful, awful mistake.

But, over time, my husband and I found hidden gems, meals that tasted good. We kept the recipes in a small recipe box, and started adding them to a growing rotation of meals. Soon, we were able to come up with recipes for every night of the week! We were becoming grown ups!

Anyway, I tell you all this so I can share with you today’s recipe, which comes from the first few weeks of recipe hunting so many years ago. One of the sites I had moderate success with was www.kraftfoods.com. The ingredient list was simple, as were the directions. Some recipes were a stretch, but in the end, I found some great keepers that we still use today. This recipe has only 3 ingredients, but comes out surprisingly moist and flavorful. The meal comes together in a snap, for those busy nights when every has something on the schedule.


Chili Parmesan Chicken

(courtesy of http://www.kraftfoods.com)

1/4 cup KRAFT Grated Parmesan Cheese

2 tsp. chili powder

6 small boneless skinless chicken breast halves ( 1-1/2 lbs.)

MIX cheese and chili powder in pie plate. Add chicken; turn to evenly coat all sides.

PLACE chicken in a shallow baking dish.

BAKE at 400°F for 20 to 25 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.


Yummy! Keep this recipe on hand this summer when you have a crazy night full of Swim Meets, Baseball Games, or simply a date night when the kids are with a babysitter! For a fun kid-friendly twist, use chicken cutlets (making them “chicken fingers”) and serve with a variety of “dipping sauces” (ketchup, barbecue sauce and honey mustard).

Have a great week!

You can read more about Steph’s life and recipes over at her blog, Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom.

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