Chesco Dads: The Inside Scoop on Father’s Day!

We are SO EXCITED to introduce you to our new “Chesco Dad” and site contributor, Jeff Tincher. Shannon got to meet Jeff recently at a BestBuy VIP event in King of Prussia where we discussed the need for a Dad’s perspective to be represented here on Chesco Moms and a new partnership was born! In this post, Jeff shares the inside scoop on Father’s Day with us.


Father’s Day, what’s that mean to me?

Well it sure doesn’t mean I get to lounge around all day in my boxers and old college t-shirts. My morning will most likely start at 6:30am when the kids wake up, want to go downstairs and have me turn on the TV for them to watch an early morning show. Mommy will just flip over in bed for another two hours, and that’s OK because I can then sit and watch cartoons with the kids. That’s my relaxing time of the day with them, they aren’t all sugared up, over-stimulated or beat to sheer exhaustion. They usually just cuddle up while we watch Phineas and Ferb and a few other shows. Then it’s time to brew the coffee and my two budding baristas love to help out. Sure, sometimes I’m still half asleep and them arguing over who gets to scoop the coffee is annoying, but when I look back and write a blog post I see ALL of the fun that is for them. They love it and that makes me love it too! See, Father’s Day to me isn’t about “doing nothing”, it’s about the small things I get to do with the kids – and that’s a good enough gift for me, right?? Um…..

What Do Dads REALLY Want Then?

Hmmmmm, that’s tricky. We could always use a brand new 3-D capable 65” HDTV, or coupons allowing us to go golfing every nice weekend in the summer, or maybe one of the impossible to get new iPhone 4.0’s! It really does depend on what type of Dad you have to buy for. I’m one of those guys that wants anything new and cool! I’d love a PowerMat to charge up my old, scratched-up iPhone 3Gs (hint hint honey, hope you read this!). I’d also like one of those extra battery cases for my phone since it’s always running out of juice when I’m running errands. See, I’m a “techy dad” and love gadgets, iTunes gift cards, and computer stuff. has just about anything I would want, far too many things to name!

But I’m also a DIY Dad and therefore could use some amazing new tools to help me with my “man cave” project. The basement is not going to finish itself! I’ve been checking out some laser levels and a new cordless drill and nail gun. OHHHH, and a power washer!! (Wife Note: I could even use it to quickly water the garden from 100’ away while grilling you dinner on the deck! Hint hint)

Just give me a gift card to Lowe’s and I’m a happy DIY Dad.

Oh and I can’t leave out, I’m (shhhh) also a pampered Dad. True, I do like to relax and have someone besides the door jam massage my sit-at-a-desk-all-slumped-over shoulders and back. I’ve probably had over a dozen massages over the past few years, so sign me up, I’ll take a dozen more each calendar year. Hey, great idea…massage of the month club!

What was my favorite Father’s Day Gift?

I’m going to be honest here folks, I don’t get really surprised about gifts. I’m not sure why, but have a feeling that I probably ruined all of my birthdays, Father’s Days, holidays because I used to sneak around and search out my Christmas gifts when I was a little boy. Santa Claus has stuck me on the “naughty list”. Also, I’m a pretty good guesser when it comes to shaking boxes or feeling the packaging, I’m correct about 80% of the time.

So anyway, one of the best and total surprise gifts (finally!!) was a telescope that my wife and son picked out for me either last year or two years ago. Time flies when you’re a Dad of two! I had loved my telescope when I was around 11 years old, I can remember sitting on our deck looking at Jupiter and Saturn and seeing the small dots, which I learned were moons. It wasn’t the best telescope when I was 11, and the one I received for Father’s Day isn’t one of those $500 models, but it’s great to sit on our deck on a summer night, sipping wine and trying to focus in on a tiny white blurry dot in the sky. I had mentioned to my wife that I always wanted another telescope and thought it would be a good way to spend time with my two kids and teach them something at the same time. But what was I thinking!!? All I got was some “NO! Let me look first!” and “DAD! He/She is not letting me look!” But after the novelty of the telescope, the kids chilled and I sipped more wine and then we got a great view of…..the MOON!! Yep, that was the tiny, blurry dot that I was trying to focus in on! We continued to hunt the night sky and figure out how to use the different lenses. I’m going to have to pull the telescope out this weekend and have my kids look at the night sky again!

Other Cool Gifts, The Ones That Are Made

I’m sitting here typing this article late in the night and out of the corner of my eye, taped to the wall, is a two foot tall tie made out of paper. My son had made that for Father’s Day in 2007 when he was just 2-½ years old. It’s painted orange with swirled glue and glitter on it. Also some buttons are glued to it. It’s a keeper!! I’m wondering what the kids made me this year!

OK everyone, this was fun. I hope you enjoyed this post and can figure out what to get your Father/Husband for Father’s Day this year. I did just read tonight that people spend days searching for that perfect gift for Mother’s Day and only spend a few hours at best searching for Dad’s gift.

Hey that’s OK with me (just don’t mess with my birthday!)

About this Daddy

Jeff Tincher is a father of two children (boy, 5 ½ and girl, almost 4) and a husband to a great wife. Jeff lives with his family in Glenmoore, PA and is the Daddy behind Daddy’s Toolbox, a Dad Blog about his personal experiences raising his children and all of the bumps, bruises, meltdowns and fun times that go hand-in-hand. Jeff is also a social media fanatic and enjoys networking on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. You can follow Jeff (a.k.a. @DaddysToolbox on Twitter) or connect on LinkedIn.

Jeff also loves to entertain (probably why he’s so big on social media), cook great meals, enjoys spending time in his yard, starts and never completes his DIY projects, and uncorks a few great bottles of wine on the weekends.

2 Responses to “Chesco Dads: The Inside Scoop on Father’s Day!”

  1. Julie Says:

    yay Jeff!! It was so good to meet you last week. Love your ideas and your point of view. Can't wait to read more. (and I really like the telescope idea… hmmm… any suggestions on a decent one at a decent price?)

  2. Daddy's Toolbox Says:

    thanks Julie!

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