Diaper Genie II Elite…The Good, The bad and The Smelly!

The Good, The Bad and The Smelly!

With two children under 2 years old, we go through our fair share of diapers. When my first son, Cbear, was born I would individually wrap each diaper in one of those scented disposable bags (go ahead, laugh… but you know you did some out there things too with your first!). Not that newborn diapers smell all that much, but I was crazy about odor control and diaper disposal. As he grew, and the diaper size became larger and it’s contents stinkier, I ditched the bags and started putting them in the regular trash can which also had scented bags. I just never found a diaper pail that fit our needs so I just dealt with things as they came.

Flash forward 19 months and Bbear is now with us. I now have two kids in diapers and goodness knows I didn’t want to stink up the kitchen with all those treasures! It was great timing to be asked by Mom Central to ‘test drive’ two diaper pails, the Diaper Genie II Elite and the Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper pail. I’ve been using the Diaper Genie for a full week now and boy have things changed! We love it!

The diaper pails

Upon arrival, the Diaper Genie does need to be put together. Nothing too difficult, just snapping the top and bottom pieces together. I did have a little difficulty lining it up, but nothing too prohibitive.

Contestant #1

The Diaper Genie II Elite has a canister that is inserted in the top of the pail. The user ties the open end of the bag and pull it through to the bottom of the Diaper Genie. Close the lid and you are set to use! Place the diaper in the top of the pail, and let the Genie pull it through to the bag below.

Ease of Use
My most favorite feature of the Diaper Genie II Elite is the fact that the pail itself is hands free. So, while holding 4 month old little Bbear in one arm, the diaper in the other AND trying to block Cbear from whatever he is trying to get to, I am able to step on the foot pedal and open the pail to dispose of their ‘business’. When the bag is full, simply open the canister, use the child-proof cutting too inside, tie off and you are set! I will say, sometimes when I empty the bag I have a little problem resetting the lid, but I get it in a moment.

Contestant #2
Odor Control
I’ve heard horror stories of pails that just do not keep the odor in. It’s one of the reasons why I had originally skipped purchasing one myself nearly two years ago. I have been very surprised with how well the Diaper Genie II Elite has contained the contents within. Most of our diaper changes are on the main floor of the house, so for now we have the pail in the living room (oh, you know you’ve done this too!). I have yet to smell the pail while sitting in the living room.

Overall Experience
I’m very impressed with the Diaper Genie II Elite thus far. I would give this pail 5 out of 5 stars.

For more information on Diaper Genie, please visit the Playtex Baby website. Also, stay tuned for our next review of the Munchkin Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail coming soon!

“I am a member of the Mom Central community and I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central, sponsored by Diaper Genie, and received a free Diaper Genie diaper pail and a free Munchkin Arm & Hammer diaper pail to facilitate my review.”

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