Great Night for Family Fun!

Tonight was a great night. The past few weeks – make that months – have been a little difficult at my house. My 3 yo daughter has hit her stride. She’s been argumentative, angry, forceful, demanding, intense, disagreeable, stubborn and downright frustrating. My 19 mo has been learning from her – only the bad behaviors.

Tonight though was a dream. My husband made dinner and got the baby. I got my big girl and when we got home dinner was almost ready. We had 20 minutes of play time then we had dinner. My girls actually ate 90% of their dinner w/ no screaming. Then we had dessert and more playtime.

It was just the 4 of us in the playroom. Stacking cups, posting shapes, making up games, dancing, crawling on eachother and having fun. It was the best night we’ve had in a long time.

I just wish I knew what happened. Did we turn a corner? Did she really have a great day at school and it carried over? Did I learn how to work with her to make her behave better? Was the temperature just right?

I don’t know, but I want more of it!

* Andrea is a local mom of 2 beautiful girls. Check out Andrea’s resource site here: !

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