This Mama Needs a Makeover Photos courtesy of NikiCham Photography

Our Beautiful Make Over Mom Colleen is being photographed today by the brilliantly talented Shannon McMahon of NikiCham Photography. Shannon is my personal family photographer and the ONLY person that has ever been able to get a great shot of my on the go, go, go son.

She took his very first baby portraits 2 years ago and has been following us around ever since. The thing I love the most about her is that she will come to you and photograph you and your family. She will do the traditional posed photo, backdrop and all, but she is super creative and loves to capture your family…well being a family. I have great shots of my kids laughing, blowing kisses, flashing cheesy smiles… and even some crying, but those photos captured that day and that moment in our life. In my opinion .. those are the best photos. They are the real deal!
The everyday readers know of my love for Springton Manor. I love the setting, I love the animals, love the trails, just love it. So when it was time for family photos I packed everyone up in matching outfits and headed to Springton Manor. Shannon met us there and one again took about a million photos of our family and captured lots of great shots… below are a few of my favorites.

When we had my sons 2 year photos taken Shannon met us at the park (his favorite park!) and she took about 200 photos of him playing, swinging, running around… and well, just being 2!
The photos turned out beautiful and really captured him “in the moment”. Below are a few of my favorites!
I could post photos all day that Shannon took.. but check out her site and see for yourself…she is very talented, patient and wonderful with children. Once you check out her site you will see that the same families keep going back to her over and over and over… that should tell you something.
Free 8×10 or 5×7 Birthday Print
Nikicham Originals Photography believes that your birthday is something to celebrate and would love to give you a gift of a free 8×10 or 5×7 on your birthday. This offer is good for either 30 before or 30 days after the big day. (this offer is good for a sitting 30 days before/after the birthday)
Senior Portrait Specials
30 minutes FREE sitting and a FREE 8×10 portrait.
Please mention Chesco Moms when scheduling.

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