Frugal Finds Friday: Max Your Menu

Every week, perhaps every day, you spend money on food in ways that can quickly get out of control. A quick stop by the convenience store on the way to school and you are suddenly out $20. An impromptu treat for the kids becomes the price of a full-course meal or possibly two home-cooked meals if you plan right.

One of the most critical ways to save money and calories is to simply stop eating so much. Sounds almost too simplistic, doesn’t it? In America, we eat too much and I am just as guilty as the next person when I buy a food item I really enjoy. Self-control in the face off so many options is a real challenge.

A couple of quick and easy ideas for cutting down on cost by eating less are as follows:

1. Take leftovers home. Nobody is going to complain if you eat half your meal when you go out to dinner. Have the rest boxed and enjoy a delicious lunch the next day. You eat less at each meal and you get two meals for the price of one.

To read the rest of this article, head over HERE to

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