Frugal Finds Friday: Spring Gardening

Spring has arrived. The earth is thawing and bright crocuses and daffodils hold their heads high as homeowners begin to look around their yards, assessing the winter damage and preparing for the warmer seasons.

When I asked around for early gardening tips, I was inundated with so many wonderful replies that I am breaking my article into several segments. Here are a couple of initial tips I found useful:

“Keep your eyes open when you’re working in your garden early in the spring for plants making their way up on their own. These plants are called ‘volunteer plants’ that are coming up from seed. Simply save them, mark them or pot them up and move to a safe place to get a bit bigger before planting them in a permanent spot.” – By Kena Hudson of

“Start growing from seed. Annuals, marigolds, zinnias, vegetables are a good choice. (Lettuce can be grown in four to six weeks to get it in small plant form.) Seed packets are often $1 or less.” Lance Walheim of Bayer Advanced.

For more tips, head over HERE to keep reading the rest of this article at

One Response to “Frugal Finds Friday: Spring Gardening”

  1. Groovy Baby Blog Says:

    Great tips for gardening I love your blog!, and now I'm following on twitter.

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