Frugal Finds Friday: Interviewing Leah Ingram of Suddenly Frugal

Leah Ingram of Suddenly Frugal shares with me a little of her journey becoming a published frugalista:

We started living frugally in 2007 after we paid off all of our home equity debt and I swore that we would never dig such a big financial hole for ourselves again. I started by looking at everyday expenses (like coffee, premium cable channels) and started slicing and dicing where I could. At the same time I made a pact that we would stop eating out as a regular thing and instead make it a special thing. In the process, I began cooking at home every night of the week. While this resulted in my grocery bill going up ever so slightly (because I was buying more food for cooking at home than we were doing before), our overall expenses went down.

In your frugal blogging, where do you see the most comments or interest in a particular topic?

By far the most popular blog post in the past three years has been the one I wrote on how to make your own laundry detergent. Who knew so many people wanted to save so much money on laundry? Since then some of the most popular posts have been my recent “Cooking Without a Kitchen” series, in which I chronicle how I’m managing to cook dinner (mostly) every night, even though we dismantled our kitchen three months ago as part of a home renovation. People’s favorite recipe is my Chicken Stir Fry in the Crock-Pot.

To hear more about Leah and her new book in this interview, head over HERE to DIYFrugal.

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