Frugal Finds Friday: Beauty Tips

Frugal beauty tips are typically for the ladies, but men, if you see something you can use, go for it. Extreme weather (whether winter or summer) can be brutal on our delicate skin as we move from hot to cold and back again. What we often don’t realize is that there are wonderful, wholesome, moisturizing beauty tricks available right in our own kitchen.

When visiting friends, I noticed our host scooping out coconut oil for a recipe and then taking what was left in the measuring spoon and rubbing it on her hands like lotion. She shared with me that she also used it as an eye make-up remover in the bathroom. It cleanses and moisturizes in one step. Though coconut oil itself is not the cheapest product on the market, it is highly versatile in a variety of ways: a skin lotion, an eye makeup cleanser and as a healthy fat in the kitchen. I recently ran out of my favorite face wipes, a convenience bought on sale, and tried the coconut oil in my nightly make-up removal routine. It worked beautifully.

Our host, Jo-Lynne Shane, also runs a website for beauty tips called Chic Critique where a variety of female authors talk about beauty and fashion, what they like and don’t like, along with tips and tricks for helping low-maintenance women like me look her best. I was able to find several other excellent frugal suggestions including recipes for facial and foot scrubs listed below, both submitted by Kellie of Women’s Life Link in an article on creating your own home spa.

Keep reading HERE at DIYFrugal for two awesome frugal beauty recipes: Honey Oatmeal Mask and Brown Sugar Foot Scrub.

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