Sarah’s Ramblings… this time it’s about music.

I love music. Those that check in regularly to this little site already know about my adoration for my ipod. For those new to, my ipod is one of my very favorite things in the whole entire world.
I rock out in the morning, I rock out mid afternoon and you can usually find me burning the midnight oil.. you guessed it… rockin‘ out to my ipod.
I like all kinds of music 90’s indie rock, pop, show tunes, I will pretty much listen to everything… all except country. Not a fan. Although I LOVE playing Farmville on Facebook and occasionally watch Country Music TV. (Some of my very favorite shows are on that channel…My Big Redneck Wedding, Gone Country.. both reality shows and both are so bad… they are good!)

When I was growing up, my mom and I used to play a game while we were riding in the car. I would get a dime if I could correctly name the song on the radio and a shiny quarter if I could name song & artist. I am proud to say that I think that my mom still owes me money from that game. Don’t want to toot my own horn, but I am AWESOME at music trivia… really I am awesome at trivia in general. My mind is full of useless facts..well maybe not so useless, you never know when knowing useless stuff may come in handy. My love for trivia has come in handy on this site. Many -o – moms have made out pretty well and won some fab prizes in our Chesco Mom trivia night events…. Speaking of which…. We have some really cool events coming up in April and May… stay tuned!

Back to the music part of this rambling….

With all of this yucky, soggy, wet, dreary weather I have been listening to happy upbeat music and have been feeling pretty motivated. I reorganized the kid’s playroom, have my downstairs somewhat clean…. well clean enough that if one of my neighbors rang my doorbell, I would let them come in and I would even let them use my powder room…because it is clean… at least today it is. My basement is still a huge disaster. I have paths throughout the chaos down there. I am afraid to let the kid’s go into the basement for fear they will get lost. I am not exaggerating. It is a HUGE embarrassing mess! One of these days I hope to have enough energy to organize it. Either that or maybe I will win the lottery and be able to pay a brave…very brave organizer to come in and tackle my “dirty little secret” of a basement.

SO…. long story short (too late?) I wanted to share my current, get ya’ movinplaylist with you.

Sarah’s Get Ya’ MovinPlaylist

* Music Makes the People Come Together – Madonna
* TiK ToKKesha
* Umbrella – Rhiana
* Survivor – Destiny’s Child
* Senorita– Justin Timberlake (He is my guilty pleasure. I love him!)
* These Are The Days – 10,000 Maniacs
* Boom Boom Pow, I Got a Feelin‘, Meet Me Halfway – Black Eyed Peas (love them!)
* Get The Party Started– Pink
* Poker Face – Lady Gaga (love her..every strange, unique bit of her)
* Glamorous – Fergie
* Black Horse And The Cherry Tree – K.T Tunstall
* Empire State of Mind– Jay Z & Alicia Keys (I love NYC!)
* No One -Alicia Keys
* Galileo – Indigo Girls
* Least Complicated – Indigo Girls
* Miss Independent – Ne-Yo
* Haven’t Met You Yet – Michael Buble (I think this song is very “American Idol” & it makes me happy)

So… What are you listening to on your ipod? Leave a comment below or send me an email… I love a new tune suggestion or a reminder of an oldie but goody.

2 Responses to “Sarah’s Ramblings… this time it’s about music.”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    My i-pod , my gym companion!

    American Girl — Tom Pettty
    I will survive– Gloria Gaynor
    With Arms wide Open — Creed
    Fat Bottomed Girls — Queen
    Strong Enough — Cher
    Most Girls — Pink
    Mr. Roboto — Styx
    Pour some sugar on me — Def Leppard
    Sweet Caroline– Neil Diamond
    Didn't mean to turn you on — Robert Palmer
    Sympathy for the Devil — Rolling Stones

  2. Karin Says:

    Thanks for the post. It's perfect timing as I need to update my ipod w/ music to get me going esp for running (more like a slow jog). On my i-pod I have Prince and Missy Elliot too.

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