Tasty Tuesday

How are we surviving here in the southeastern corner of PA? Are you tired of all this snow? How have you been spending your snowed-in days? I have spent my snow days cooking and baking! Whenever there is a good possibility of a storm, I head to the grocery store to stock up. Nope, not on eggs and milk. Rather, on the ingredients that will become beautiful culinary creations that I can enjoy despite the raging storms outside!

With that said, I cannot wait for Spring 🙂

Heading back to the topic of recipes, I have an awesomely SIMPLE recipe to share with you today. I truly believe that we often overlook the simple recipes. And it is a shame – because sometimes the simple recipes make the best meals! Sometimes, they are SO simple, that I want to hit myself in the forehead and say, “Duh, Steph.” But, I put away my pride and enjoy the simplicity!

The recipe I have for you today is 2 ingredients. TWO. Does that blow your mind? I promise that it tastes awesome. The recipe can be served as a meal, alongside some veggies and bread. It can also be served as the side dish to a main meal for several people. It’s up to you. Also – it is meatless, so DOUBLE SCORE!

Easy Tortellini

  • 1 bag of tortellini (I highly recommend Barilla’s Ricotta and Spinach Tortellini – 1 small bag for 2 or 3 people, or 1 large bag for a family)

  • Italian Dressing (I like flavored Italian dressing, like Kraft’s Roasted Red Pepper Italian dressing – although I’m not sure they make it anymore)

1) Cook tortellini according to package instructions. Drain.

2) Pour enough dressing on to coat, about 1/4 cup, give or take

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And…that’s it. For whatever reason, it’s super tasty. You can control the fat and the intensity of flavor. The recipe also allows you to use your creativity (which I ALWAYS encourage) – try 4 cheese tortellini and balsamic vinaigrette. Meat Tortellini with Asian Toasted Sesame dressing. There are tons of combinations, so don’t be shy!

Friends, cooking does NOT have to be complicated. Why spend an hour on dinner, when you can spend 15? And your kids love it? And you aren’t exhausted afterwards? So don’t feel bad using simple, straight-forward recipes. You are not cheating the system. You are embracing the system.

It can be our little secret. I won’t tell if you won’t…

You can read more about Steph and her recipes at her other blog, Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom.

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