More fun ideas for your family New Year Celebration

Yummy New Year’s Eve Party Hats
These chocolate-covered cones are a stylish addition to a New Year’s celebration, serving as both festive decorations and a sweet topping for a scoop of ice cream. Click here for instructions.

Festive First Meal Flapjacks
Begin by creating your favorite pancake batter. Or try this favorite: The Perfect Pancake Mix.
Spoon the mixed batter into a heated skillet in the form of the numbers in “2010.”
Serve the pancakes with diced-fruit confetti for a festive presentation

Time Capsule Letter
On New Year’s Eve, invite your kids to write a letter to their future selves. They can list their favorite things (books, songs, ice-cream flavors, TV shows, foods, colors, animals, games) and make predictions (how tall will they be in a year?).
Pack away the letters with the holiday decorations so that they’ll be out of sight but easy to find next year. On December 31, 2010, have your kids open their letters and see how much their tastes have changed — or haven’t!

2010 Wish List
Make a Wish List for fun new things to do & try in 2010
*Places to go
*New Foods to try
*Books to read
*Movies to see
*Goals to meet
*Charities to support

(All of these fun ideas and more can be found online at my FAVORITE site for family fun…

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