Join us in welcoming our new Chester County Moms Blog Contributor Andrea…

It Takes a Village…by Chesco Mom Andrea

Growing up I was never much of a joiner. I played soccer, was on the debate team, etc…but I didn’t do things like join a sorority or affinity groups. After becoming a parent however, I realized that the old saying, it takes a village was true. For me, it became a necessity to reach out to other parents and learn about their experiences, their thoughts and ideas.
I’ve found that while I may not be a natural joiner, joining a community of Mom’s, a community of parents, has been incredibly fruitful and helpful.

I use my community to help do research on what to expect with my kids at different stages in life. To help me plan for what comes next. To find out what’s going on in the community, to figure out what the best things to do with the kids are, and even just to vent about everyday frustrations.

Without my community of parents, I probably would have lost my mind by now! I’m super excited to join the Chester County Mom’s community. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you and to hearing from you!


2 Responses to “Join us in welcoming our new Chester County Moms Blog Contributor Andrea…”

  1. Nicole Says:

    Welcome Andrea!

  2. Andrea Says:

    Thanks Nicole!

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