And on my farm I had a…pink cow, a lost kitten and a lonely brown cow, E-I-E-I-O…

Hi, my name is Sarah and I am a “Farmville-aholic!”.

I gave into the peer pressure and just started playing about two weeks ago. I am totally hooked! I have been a regular Facebook-er for a little over a year and for the life of me couldn’t understand “Farmville”. The constant updates downright irritated me. Now… well… I speak “farmville”. Recently I have had full blown “farmville” conversations with people that I have not talked to in 15 years, all for the need of a lonely brown cow. I have also “farmville pushed” people to start playing….all for the love of neighbors.

I know there are lots of fun facebook games, but I can only handle playing one so Farmville it is. I am currently level 20 (Green Giant), hoping to reach level 21 by mid week. I have a pretty busy week ahead and I have planned my harvesting (cotton) around my schedule. (sick, I tell ya.. sick!).
For those that are also addicted to farming there are a few tips & tricks sites that you can visit I like I seriously don’t have enough time in the day to play farmville, but I find it mind numbingly fun! We all need a little mindless fun, right?

My whole family is pretty much “on the farm” now. My brother who faught joining Facebook for the longest time caved last week just so he could see what we were talking about. He is pretty competitive so I expect him to have a villa in no time soon.

Last weekend was my mother in laws birthday and she is as excited about her farm as I am about mine so I bought her gifts that had to do with farming. Her card sang “The Chicken Dance”, my daughter painted a ceramic piggy bank, and we got her a Topsy Turvy, you know the upside down tomato planter that is “As Seen on TV”. We had lots of laughs as she opened the farmy gifts.

My Farmville Tip:
Go to your Facebook home page. Look to the left of the screen, there is a list with-Newsfeed, Status Updates, Pages, etc. and a “more option”. Click on the “more option”. If you have Farmville bookmarked a Farmville icon will show up. Click on it and you get to see all of your Facebook friends Farmville updates. The Farmville updates won’t be mixed in with everyday updates or other game site updates. I have been able to snag oodles of lonely cows and lost kittens using this trick.

As I type this my husband is laughing at me. Laughing over the fact that I think this is post is “blog worthy”, but those of you that play farmville.. you get it, you know. Yee-haw!!

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