Photography 101

Today’s topic: The WORLD WIDE WEB

Talk to [most] old ladies and they DO NOT “get” the internet, nor do they want to. They do not understand WHY we email instead of calling, why we share pictures on facebook, and why oh why we tweet! My husband has an aunt who likes to say to his cousin, “DO NOT put that on the WORLD WIDE WEB!” It could be about a recent bout of illness, or a photo taken at the beach, she is not having it.

While this is mostly in jest, I wanted to focus on being careful. On thinking twice before you share, and by remembering who your audience is. If you have a blog, you can password protect it and only allow friends and family access. If you have facebook, you can make sure only “friends” can see your images (look at the security/privacy settings menu). Don’t forget that if you join a network (ie: Philadelphia, PA network), then EVERYBODY in your “network” can see your page, including your photos.

This is something I struggle with a lot. As a photographer, I LOVE taking pictures and I love sharing pictures- with family, friends, and the world!

Is it wrong to share online? No, just always remain vigilant about WHAT you are sharing with WHOM!

How do you decide what to share? How have you protected yourself?

I can’t wait to hear!

Check out Caitlin’s website here:

Until next week, happy shooting!!!

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