2009 Holiday Season – Most Wanted Toys

Shannon and I got up at the crack of dawn this morning to train ride it to New York City for the Time to Play Holiday Showcase. Kind of a crazy morning. We drove to Trenton then hopped a train into NYC. Mid ride, the train comes to a stop… not a people get on or off stop.
It came to a stop…stop!
With no station in sight.
After about 5 minutes the conductor came on and said that the train was having mechanical difficulties and that ” they” were trying to fix it and get us to the nearest station. Shannon and I looked at each other and laughed…stuff like this just seems to happen to US. We had a four hour flight delay coming home from the Type A Mom Conference a few weeks ago. It was the longest 4 hours..EVER and although we were not laughing when we first found out we were stuck at the Charlotte, NC, airport for 4 hours, by hour 3 were were giddy and laughing at everyone and everything around us.
So.. getting back to the crazy train ordeal… the mechanics couldn’t fix the train so another train pulled up next to us and we were told we would have to hop from the broken down train to the new train. The people on the train with us were totally okay with all of this..not phased at all. Us..yeah, not so much as it was about a 2 foot jump from train to train. It was all very McGyver….way too McGyver for 7am!
We did it and I am happy to say I can officially cross hop from train to train off my “Bucket List”. We pulled into the train station with enough time to spare that we got to the Time to Play Magazine Holiday Showcase on time. A little frazzled.. but on time!
We were greeted by the friendly gals of Litsky PR and made our way around the room, chatting with toy executives and playing with all of the hottest new toys. Chris Byrne, the Toy Guy at Time to Play Magazine unveiled some of his predictions for the most popular and best selling products of Holiday 2009. We have listed his picks below. Click on the photo for a detailed description of each of the 16 products named to the list accompanied by the Time to Play Magazine editors’ views on why the item will be among the Most Wanted.

One Response to “2009 Holiday Season – Most Wanted Toys”

  1. Katiebear Says:

    I know the Zhu Zhu pets are going to be a big hit in our house this year! Thank god for Ebay because trying to get them in the stores is hard.

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