Photography 101

Today’s topic: Keep it simple

Editing is really really fun. You can do amazing things with your pictures and enhance them to a professional level. Unless you are trying to create a surreal image, keep in mind, you must take care to edit lightly. Keep it simple. Get a second opinion and ask, “Does this look natural?”

I love using vignettes- they draw the eye in to the subject, but often times, if used the wrong way, you can take away from the picture entirely.

Original (straight out of the camera)

Slight vignette (added in Photoshop CS4)

No no no!!!!

Not natural, distracting, halppppp!

How do you keep it natural? What are your goals for future pictures?

Post your progress and link back in a comment!!

Check out Caitlin’s website here:

Until next week, happy shooting!!!

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