Photography 101 With Caitlin Domanico

Today’s topic: Change your Angle

Ever find yourself in a photo rut? When I do, I try to let go of all inhibitions and take photos from different angles. Get away from the “Look at me and say cheese” shots. Get creative, have fun. Think high, think low, shoot under, shoot over, shoot through….

Take a baby in a crib for instance. Sure she’s cute, sure she’s tiny, but how many pictures can you take from up above? They lack excitement and definition. Try shooting THROUGH the crib!

Check it out–

I call this: “Ava vs. The Bumper”

We want to see what you do!!! Show us your best “out of the box” shots!
Post your progress and link back in a comment!!

Check out Caitlin’s website here:

Until next week, happy shooting!!!

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