TeamChildren – making a difference!

The goal at TeamChildren is to insure that every child has access to the use of a computer in the comfort and safety or their home, that every school have adequate computers in the classroom.

Computers are quickly becoming the essential tool of education and communication in our rapidly changing world. “Computer literacy” is the norm in school, business, and society as a whole. Those without regular access to a computer are in danger of being cut off from opportunity and advancement. If this trend continues our region will be in danger.
It doesn’t have to happen!

Computer technology is changing rapidly. Every day a glut of older, slower computers are discarded. Not because they don’t work. Because they’re not fancy enough, or equipped with all the required bells and whistles. And that’s where Teamchildren comes in.

TeamChildren has computers waiting for families. CLICK HERE to learn how to get one.
We learned about TeamChildren from our friends at Speaking From The Heart in Exton.

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