Frugal Finds Friday: Getting Control is the Key to Frugal Living

The other day I pulled out my favorite pair of jean shorts. I was shocked at the condition they were in. Paint splattered down the front. Errant strings hung down like a warped version of Daisy Duke’s country attire. I wondered when they had gotten so bad?

I thought of a bazillion parallels to life. We get so busy. One day, we open our eyes and it may be paper piles, cleaning, weight, or finances that have gotten out of control. Or maybe all of the above. Remnants of past good intentions are hidden in a messy drawer or a box in the basement. Systems that once controlled your life are now in shambles. What’s a person to do?

First, take stock of the situation. Just how bad is it? How far are you from your goal weight? How far are you from your desire to be out of debt? How quickly can you get your house clean? How big is that mountain? If you don’t know, then how are you going to do anything about it?

Click HERE to read more!

Sarah Peppel is a Frugal Living columnist at the Phoenix and runs the following blogs: DIY Frugal and Genesis Moments.

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