America Saves February 25th to March 2nd: Pledge to Save

Pledge to Save 

Today is the final post in a series of posts focused on America Saves Week. We’ve spent the week talking about savings – why to save, how to do it, and what your savings priorities should be.

Did you come up with a savings goal this week? Did you come up with a plan to tackle your high-interest debt? Are you thinking about what your retirement will look like?

Now it’s time to make your plan, get started, and Take the America Saves Pledge today!

Resources to Get You Started 

Barb is a mom of 5 kids who spends her day keeping track of socks, stuffed animals, library books, and a 4 year old when she isn’t writing about all the frugality, gardening, cooking, and reading she manages to fit in between the chaotic moments. She can be found at A Life in Balance, Frugal Local Kitchen, or on Twitter with daily doses of life in 140 characters or less.

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