Shutterfly Photo Gifts – The PERFECT Gift!

How much do I love photos, geez, do you have a few hours while I count the ways? It’s impossible to narrow it down, but to sum it up I can say “MEMORIES”. I’ve been a scrapbooker for about 10 years now. Then 3 years ago I had my first daughter and well, sadly, the scrapbooking has dwindled. Yet, the photos have multiplied! So what do I do with all of these fabulous photographs, other than share them online albums with friends and family? I use them for photo gifts!!!!

Last Father’s Day I made my husband a 15oz coffee mug with a collage of the girls’ (our two daughters) photos. He uses it at work and loves it. Especially since he doesn’t have many personal photos hung around his small office, this is a way for him to have a “smile” during his day away from us. This Mother’s Day I saw the iPhone cases that Shutterfly now has and I have that on my wish list. By then we’ll have 3 daughters to decorate a case with. And since my iPhone doesn’t leave my side, I’ll get lots of use and enjoyment from that case. Another reason I’m loving on Shutterfly is the cards. When they have sales, I am surely stocking up on Thank You cards with the girls’ faces on them, or even the goofy looking pug we call “Marley”. With baby #3 due to arrive any day now, I’ve been perusing the Shutterfly birth announcement options. It’s going to be tough to narrow it down, but I’d rather have that problem then the opposite – like on other sites where I don’t really love anything.

If you haven’t checked out Shutterfly and their new selection of gifts, memorabilia, day-to-day items…. all that you can make personal and with your own memories, I highly recommend following them. They are on
· Facebook:
· Twitter:!/Shutterfly
· Pinterest:
And if you are like me and having trouble getting printed photos into an album the way you would like to have them, make a photo book! I make those for our vacations and big holidays and I love to give them as gifts. Check it out! These are your memories, make ‘em last!

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