Wednesday Wellness: Know Your Numbers during National Diabetes Month

This healthy post was brought to you by The Chester County Hospital and Health System in recognition of National Diabetes Month. [Learn more about the Hospital’s Diabetes Self-Management Program.]

November is National Diabetes Month, a time to increase awareness about managing diabetes. There are nearly 26 million Americans with Diabetes and that number is growing everyday. If you are one of them, taking control of your Diabetes can help you feel better and stay healthy. Keeping your blood sugar close to normal decreases your risk of diabetes related complications including heart, eye, kidney and nerve problems.

Knowing your Diabetes numbers can help you control your diabetes and evaluate how well you are doing, but there’s a lot more to it than just blood glucose and A1C. How well do you know your numbers?

Know Your Diabetes Numbers

Measurement Target Range
Fasting Blood Sugar
70-110 mg/dl
Blood Sugar, 2 hours after a meal
Less than 140
Hemoglobin A1C
6.5% or less
Blood Pressure
Less than 130/80
LDL cholesterol
Less than 100
HDL cholesterol
Greater than 40 (men); Greater than 50 (women)
Less than 150

What is the A1C test?

The A1C is a lab test that measures your average blood glucose over the past 3 months and provides a better picture of your overall blood glucose control. Some physicians use a target number of less than 6.5%, but remember every 1% drop in A1C you achieve helps decrease your risk of diabetes related complications by 20%.

There is no known cure for diabetes, a chronic disease where the body does not produce or properly use insulin, which is needed to convert food into energy. However, the good news is that by learning how to self-manage your diabetes, you can enjoy a long and active life. We firmly believe that education is the most important component to the management of diabetes. Our self-management programs are a proven way to help individuals care for and control their diabetes, and our diabetes support groups help individuals with diabetes who are looking for guidance, education and camaraderie with others going through similar experiences.

Community Resources
The outpatient Diabetes Self-Management Program at The Chester County Hospital offers numerous resources online for patients with diabetes or community members who are at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes.

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