PIFA: Enjoying Arts Outdoors in the Spring…

The Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts (PIFA) springs into town beginning on April 7th and there is nothing more enjoyable than being outside to experience art in the crisp April air.

In addition to the wonderful events happening at indoor locations, there are several outdoor locations to see some amazing PIFA performances and installations.

The first thing I want to check out is Fly City with the Fly School Circus on South Broad Street where both adults and children can get hands-on professional trapeze lessons. They are offering lessons 4 times daily throughout the festival.

Another really fun option is the Museum without Walls: Audio Tour being held along the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The Parkway was French landscape architect Jacques Greber’s magnificent 1917 vision of a tree-lined boulevard punctuated with public sculpture and fountains. This interpretive audio program focuses on the Parkway’s tie to Paris, including historic records and images about the planning and construction of the Parkway (Free, 24 hours a day). Stand in front of any sculpture on the Parkway and call 215-399-9000 or download the free iPhone/android app or click here for more details: http://museumwithoutwallsaudio.org.

You could also take a Trolley Tour of French Philadelphia. These tours leave from the Kimmel Center and will explore all of the fantastic ways French culture, trends, relationships and more have impacted our city.

To check out all of the amazing events that make up this festival, please check out PIFA’s website. You can also Like PIFA on Facebook and Follow PIFA on Twitter.

Enjoy your time at the PIFA festival. We Philadelphians (and beyond) are in for a very rare treat indeed!

* This is a sponsored post. Stay tuned as Chester County Moms explores the Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts through May 1st.

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