Tasty Tuesday: Fruity Dessert

I’ve been posting meal recipes recently – so I thought I’d take a week to post a tasty treat. Let’s be honest – don’t we eat dinner just so we can get dessert?? 🙂

This is a very simple treat to pull together – something your kids could even help with! Since it is not quite Spring, the recipe calls for frozen fruit instead of fresh – but once fruit and veggies come into season, definitely feel free to use fresh.

Before you get started, you will need to make a batch of Ricotta Cheese Cookies (click to go to the recipe post). Be sure to “test” the batter a few times because it’s just that good.
So good.
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Blueberry Ricotta Cookie Crumble

If blueberries are frozen, thaw for about 15 minutes (until they are thawed, but still solid and cold). Place blueberries in a bowl. Crumble the Ricotta Cheese Cookies over the blueberries. Top with whipped cream (as much or as little as you desire).


1) I recommend using fresh blueberries when they are in season. Presently I’ve been using frozen blueberries. A great place to get frozen blueberries is Target. Their Market Pantry frozen blueberries come in perfect portion-sized baggies, and they are super tasty.

2) If you are having guests, this would make a great dessert to serve. To make it look cute, serve, layered, in a parfait platter or individual cups.

3) Should blueberries not be your thing, substitute any of your favorite fruit or berries. This might be tasty with bananas, strawberries or raspberries.

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I love that sometimes the simplest things are the best things! This recipe is uncomplicated, yet it totally hits the spot.

Until the weather is warmer and the seasons change, enjoy this treat. Throw it together after the kids go to bed – take a spoonful – close your eyes – and savor the flavor!

Have a great week!

You can read more about Steph’s life and recipes at her blog, Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom.

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