Tasty Tuesday with Chesco Mom Steph

Hi friends. How are you doing this week? Last week was just one of those weeks for me: challenging, difficult and blah. The unexpected winter weather didn’t help, especially when it was topped off with a gray day of torrential downpours and wind.

Now that last week is behind me, I am ready to look ahead: to SPRING! I can feel it in my bones that it is around the corner. My yard is full of grass again, the temperatures are ever-so-slightly warmer, and the sun is shining more. I can’t wait to throw the cover off my grill and make some good, fresh meals!

As promised, here is another spring-inspired meal for you this week. I stumbled upon this 2 years ago, and have really enjoyed it ever since. It is a double bonus: TASTY and HEALTHY. Woot!


~ recipe and image courtesy of Eat Better America ~

1 can (15 oz) Progresso® black beans, drained, rinsed
3/4 cup cooked white rice
4 medium green onions, sliced (1/4 cup)
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 large bell peppers, cut lengthwise in half, seeds removed
1 plum (Roma) tomato, diced
Additional chopped fresh cilantro, if desired
1. Heat coals or gas grill for direct heat. Cut three 18×12-inch pieces heavy-duty foil. Spray with cooking spray.
2. Mix beans, rice, onions, 1/4 cup cilantro, the oil, lime juice, garlic and salt. Place 2 bell pepper halves on one side of each foil piece. Fill with bean mixture.
3. Fold foil over peppers so edges meet. Seal edges, making tight 1/2-inch fold; fold again. Allow space on sides for circulation and expansion.
4. Cover and grill packets over medium heat 15 to 20 minutes or until peppers are tender. Place packets on serving platter. Cut large X across top of each packet; fold back foil. Sprinkle with tomato and additional cilantro.


~ I used YELLOW Peppers instead of GREEN. They were a sweet and delicious trade.

~I finished off the peppers with some grated cheddar cheese, which melted a bit on top since the peppers were still hot. (Obviously, the cheese would change the above nutritional info, but if you got a 2% sharp cheddar, like Cabot, that still has a lot of flavor, the changes would be minimal. )

~ For those who want to try this recipe, but not ready to break out the grill, here is a way to oven-roast the peppers. Bake at 450º for 20 minutes in the foil packets, and uncover and bake for an additional 5 minutes, or until lightly browned. It won’t have that hint of smokiness from the grill, but will be just as tasty!

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SERIOUSLY so good. And you know what? Even if it’s still a bit chilly, I say turn on those grills anyway! We need a fresh meal to get rid of the Winter Blues!

Have a great week!

To read more about Steph’s life and recipes at her blog, Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom.

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