The Magical Napping Equation by Chesco Mom Stefanie

The Magical Napping Equation:
My son Aiden didn’t sleep through the night until he was 8 months old, because he was a night feeder. Once I broke him of that habit (another blog for another day), he became a champion sleeper, sleeping 10 hours a night! He is now 20 months old and is truly “sleeping like a baby.” He was an okay napper but did not take 2-hour or more naps like some of my friends’ kids. That is, until I discovered the magical napping equation!!!! I call it this because on the rare occasion that he would nap for 2 hours or more, I would try to mimic the exact circumstances before he went to sleep in hopes of it happening again. My husband insisted there was no magical equation for napping and some days he just needed more sleep than others. I think this is true… to a point. Finally, after many days of trying to figure it out, I think I have broken the code, haha. It is going to sound absolutely ridiculous. Actually, I think it’s a little like carrying around a rabbit foot for good luck. But whatever the case, it works! Okay, so here it is: If I put Aiden in his pajamas (the warm,footie kind), keep the room temperature above 74 degrees, give him a juice box for lunch, put on a relaxing CD that plays about 15 minutes, put him to sleep no earlier than 1, and turn on the noise machine, he will always sleep for 2 hours! I know, it sounds silly but it really does work. And if this equation is true, then it looks like I am in trouble today because I put him to sleep at 12:30! Hopefully there is some room for error…

About Me:
My name is Stefanie and Aiden is my first child. I formerly taught 6th grade in the Treddyfrrin/Easttown School District for four years but then decided to be a stay-at-home Mom. I have a bachelor’s degree from Penn State and a master’s degree from Immaculata. I currently tutor part-time nights and weekends. I love to cook, dance, read, and I especially love being a Mommy.

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