Mother Nature – Surely You Are Kidding?

So here it is – we were told snow tonight, and yet most of the area has woken up to find the cars, streets and roads already covered. I realize there are many people out there who love and adore the snow, but this momma won’t tell tall tales – I am in the “could live a happy life without it” camp and quite frustrated at how many activities and events this white powder has ruined so far this winter.

Well what to do? Since Mother Nature beat me to the punch (one of my plans for today was to compile a list of what my friends and I like to do when the kids are stuck at home in anticipation of the snow day tomorrow), I did a little Google search and found that there are already quite a few blogs and websites with just that – suggestions on what to do to pass the time while stuck inside. Now I realize that the option does exist to actually leave the house (head to the store, perhaps take in an outdoor activity) but if that is not your cup of tea and you would rather be home drinking said tea, then here are a few websites to check out.

And after you have checked out these links, head over to our Facebook page and let us know what your favorite snow day traditions are – hopefully we can compile a huge list that we never need to turn to! 🙂

Stay safe and warm!

Twenty-Five Fun Things To Do With Kids
Snow Day Party!
15 Fun Activities to Entertain When Class is Canceled
Simple Snow Day Crafts for Kids

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