Truthfully Speaking…. with Toddlers!

This is an oldie that my daughter said when she was about 18 months old. I remembered it the other day and giggled, so I had to share.

She was sitting eating her breakfast watching the trash trucks come and get all our trash. Well, as the recyclables truck came by and started to empty our green bin, JT shouted, “Goodbye beer!”  Yikes!  Well at least she knows where the ’empties’ go.

Even better was a month later when as we drove down Rt. 1 and saw a Yuengling truck she yelled, “Daddy beer!”

For the record, my husband drinks occasionally/socially, but apparently it has resonated with our child!  I guess I should be counting down the days until she gets him a beer from the fridge!

Ahhh, from the mouths of babes!  (but I guess it’s better coming out of her mouth than going in, right?)

3 Responses to “Truthfully Speaking…. with Toddlers!”

  1. Rebecca Says:

    Don't feel bad. Occasionally on Saturday nights Daddy & Mommy will have a beer after a long day with dinner. So recently my 4 year old told people at Wegman's, where we buy our beer, “Mommy and Daddy can't sleep without beer before bed.”

  2. Anonymous Says:

    When I was in Kindergarten I told my teacher that my favorite Christmas song was “Please Daddy, don't get drunk this Christmas” by John Denver… my parents were not happy to hear that!

  3. Family Recipes Says:

    Great post thanks for sharing. I really enjoy your blog very much. Excellent content!

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