Call for Thanksgiving Recipes & Family Traditions

I can’t believe it is November already. I feel like October just flew by. Time to start thinking about Thanksgiving. Regular readers of this site will know that I a bit “challenged” when it comes to my culinary abilities. I love to read Steph’s Tasty Tuesday recipes and I love that she breaks down the recipe so the not so confident cook like me can do it and not gross my family out with a recipe gone horribly wrong. So far so good for me.. and the baked ziti recipe she shared back in August is now one of my family favorites.

So last year I decided that I was going to start my own Thanksgiving Tradition. Every year I want to add something new to our family feast, whether it is an appetizer, side dish or dessert, I love the idea of throwing something new into the mix. Last year we added a cherry pie to the dessert line up and it was pretty tasty. If memory serves me correctly I don’t think we had any left overs.

So this year I am asking for a little help… I am sure you all have some great recipes and I would love to tap into your culinary know how and try some of them.. I will publish all of the recipes that are submitted.

I love a new Tradition too. So if there is something you do with your family to get ready for Thanksgiving or that makes the day extra special, I would love to hear about that too.

Thank You in advance.. I am really excited about my new little tradition and appreciate you sharing your recipes with me.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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