Trendy Thursday with Chesco Mom Melissa: Don’t forget about your hair!!!

Confession: I put so much thought into my outfits. And so little into my hair. The last time I had my hair cut was August. 2009.
Yes. I do not bother with my hair. It kind-of just hangs there. And I decided to do something about it. I poured over the lastest issue of InStyle Hair and chose a cut.  This Sunday, I called and made an appointment on the way to church and right after church was over, I headed over and chopped about 12 inches off my hair.

Here is basically how long it was:

Here it is now:

Just a tad shorter in the back, wouldn’t you say? (Sorry for the terrible self portrait.)
And you know what? I love it!!I love having a “style” instead of just “hair!” I can’t believe I’ve been neglecting this aspect of my personal style for so long!! I’m a new woman!

Melissa also talks family and fashion on her personal blog, Girlymama.

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