Review: Foot Rattles by Infantino

At nearly 4 months old, my second son, “Bbear” is quite the mover and shaker. I swear those little feet never stop moving. He’s recently figured out that he can reach his knees and we’ve been working on him lifting his hips up a bit so he can reach those toes. He’s almost there.

We’ve been trying out these cute cow and lamb foot rattles, made by Infantino and provided to us by ebeanstalk*. When the speech therapist for my older son, “Cbear” was visiting she was doing this little game to get Bbear into his feet by pulling on his sock so he could see it. When these foot rattles arrived, I thought, “Great, now I won’t be ruining socks by pulling on them to get his attention”. These foot rattles have definitely caught his eye and the rattle just delights him. I think I’ve caught him making the connection to the fact that he’s moving his foot and the foot rattle makes a noise.

The Product Rundown

Age appropriate and delightful to my 4 month old. He’s completely mesmerized by the rattles and it’s entertaining as well as helping him use/develop his motor skills.

The one thing I wasn’t a fan of was that the foot rattles are not machine washable. I’m a bit nuts over getting things that are machine washable, but these are easily handwashed with soap and water, so it’s not too bad.

Stylin’ in Grandpop’s recliner with my foot rattles on.

Bbear has some competition though. Cbear seems to find these foot rattles fun as well, and I think he wants to make them sock puppets!

* Ebeanstalk is a toy website dedicated to selecting the best toys by age and kids toys. The in-home feedback of bloggers and moms like me around the country help to make sure ebeanstalk continues to provide the best educational toys for your child. Check it out for yourself!

ebeanstalk provided me with the product reviewed above free of charge. I was not paid or compensated in any way for this review, besides receiving free product.

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