Tasty Tuesday

In keeping with SIMPLE and TASTY, I’d like to share with you another great slow cooker recipe.

And let’s be honest – aren’t all slow cooker recipes great?

I found this one shortly after I got married. I unearthed the new slow cooker I’d received off of my wedding registry, and as I did, a small recipe book fell out of the box. I thumbed through it, and saw it was a wealth of great slow cooker recipes.


This recipe caught my eye quickly. The original recipe called for swiss cheese, which I promptly switched with Cheddar. Cheddar Cheese will always trump Swiss Cheese if I have my way. I think the original also called for mushrooms, which I ignored.

I love this recipe because it has easy, no-brainer prep (literally, throw all the ingredients into the slow cooker and turn it on). And yet, the product is nothing less than scrumptious. It is best when it’s cold out (chicken and stuffing make for a hot and heavy meal), so be sure to try this before Spring is upon us. The best part? Kids love it!

Below the recipe, you will find some variations/alternative ingredients. Don’t be shy to try the out too!


Steph’s Slow Cooker Chicken Casserole

  • Cooking spray
  • 1-2 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breasts (I sometimes use chicken cutlets or chicken tenderloins if it is all I have – but in all, I throw in one package of chicken, whatever the cut)
  • 1 can of cream of mushroom soup (I usually use “healthy request”)
  • 1/3 cup of milk
  • 1/2 cup – 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup of Stovetop Stuffing mix (not prepared – just dry).

Spray your slow cooker insert with cooking spray. Place chicken breasts along the bottom. Combine mushroom soup and milk. Pour over chicken. Top with cheese, and then top again with stuffing.

Put on low for 4-6 hours (adjust for your slow cooker – mine is done in 3-4 hours on low, but yours may be different!)

Variations on this recipe:

1. Some similiar recipes call for swiss cheese instead of cheddar, so use whatever cheese is to your liking (especially if you are trying to watch the calories and fat – feel free to use fat free cheese or 2%). NOTE: I also am pretty generous on the “1 cup.” I use as much as needed to cover the chicken. I love me some cheese.

2. I have seen a version of this recipe that calls for you to mix a 10 oz bag of frozen mixed vegetables with the soup/milk mixture. This is a great way for you (or your KIDS!) to eat some veggies, and it doesn’t alter the taste.

3. If you need to accommodate a larger family, you can add more chicken (say, another 1/2-1 lb) to make it substantial without needing to increase the other ingredients. If you go more than an extra lb, consider getting a larger can of mushroom soup, and be prepared to use more cheese and stuffing to cover. NOTE: The recipe as prepared above feeds my husband and I one dinner and up to 2 days of lunches each (it depends on how hungry we are the night we prepare it, as sometimes there is less leftover!)


Let the kids help you mix the soup and milk, and pouring the mixture over the chicken. Little kids can help push the slow cooker’s “on” button. 🙂

I’d love to hear how this turns out for you! And leave a comment below if there are certain recipes or meal ideas you’d like to see on Tasty Tuesday posts!

You can read more about Steph and her recipes at her other blog, Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Mom.

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