Scrapbook Digitally: Value of a Scrapbook

Scrapbooking digitally is fun and simple! A 20 page layout can be created using pre-designed layouts rather quickly. If you want to tweak the pre-designed layout or create your own you can do it in two to three sittings. Caution: You might be at the computer longer because you’re having so much fun!

Did you know Scrapbooking has therapeutic value? Yea really! It gives us the feeling of accomplishment and a sense of well being. While looking at photos of loved ones, it brings back special feelings and gives us a sense of self worth.

Not only do you find yourself emotionally charged by making a Scrapbook but the person you give it to or share it with will be filled up emotionally! I made Birthday Scrapbooks for our two older children (boy and girl) until they were 18. They each responded differently when handed their Birthday Scrapbook.

Our daughter, cheerleader mind you, was visibly excited. She couldn’t wait to share it with her friends who were itching to see the scrapbook too. I probably could have gotten her to do a cheer for me before giving her the Birthday Scrapbook but I was too excited to wait any longer! Our son on the other hand, was more quiet and reserved. No surprise right? He would look through it slowly taking it all in. The quotes, stories and poems of inspiration. Later I would walk into his room and lying on the bed, desk or floor would be one or two scrapbooks open. He had been looking at the pictures of himself with friends and family from the previous year taking it all again. I truly believe this was an effective way to build up his sense of self worth!

Those Birthday Scrapbooks kept their love tanks filled even when I didn’t realize at times it was running low. Nothing is more important than keeping our kids emotionally healthy which leads to making healthy decisions about many life choices.

For more information go to Scrapbook Digitally
Contact Kristina Hurley at
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