5 Top Ways to Get Your Kid’s Involved in Thanksgiving

Between Halloween costumes and Christmas trees, Thanksgiving Day can get lost in the bustle of the holiday season. Kids especially tend to neglect it because without the lure of sweet treats or pretty presents, Thanksgiving can be hard to find exciting.

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So how do you get your
kids involved in Thanksgiving? Let them in on the action by planning activities with a hands-on approach. They will feel special and learn about the importance of the day in the process.

1. Make a Thanksgiving Craft: Greeting cards to share with visiting relatives or simple table centerpieces such as paper turkeys or pumpkins.

2. Write a Thanksgiving Poem about what they are thankful for.

3. Perform a Thanksgiving Day Skit: Kids love being the center of attention let them be the main attraction at your family Thanksgiving!

4. Cook Thanksgiving Dinner: Let kids assist you in the kitchen! You can give them easy tasks such as washing vegetables, stirring in pre-measured ingredients, or decorating cookies or desserts.

5. Volunteer in the Community: It is important to teach kids that Thanksgiving is more than eating turkey and watching football. It is about showing appreciation for the people and things around them. Give back to the community by collecting can goods or serve in a soup kitchen.

Check out The Goddard School, Exton to see how they are helping out the community!

Sumbitted by The Goddard School, Exton

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