New Mom Fired for Breastfeeding

As a new breastfeeding mom herself, CNN’s Campbell Brown did a very important piece the other day that all new breastfeeding moms should see. The story was about how breastfeeding cost a new mom her job. While the mom took her right to breastfeed at work all the way up to the Ohio State Supreme Court, she lost. Campbell then led a follow up discussion with CNN’s senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) who is working to pass “The Breastfeeding Promotion Act.” If passed, her bill would protect breastfeeding in the workplace under civil rights law and ensure women cannot be fired or discriminated against in the workplace for breastfeeding.

Click here to view Campbell Brown’s report and leave a comment and let us know how you feel about this.

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