Epic Boot Camp – Week 2!

For the 2nd week in a row, I actually worked out on a Monday morning. Which has like never happened, ever. Thanks again Chesco Moms 😉 My husband had a scheduled business trip to New Orleans from Wednesday to Saturday this week, so in order to fulfill my 3 days a week at boot camp, I had to go THREE DAYS IN A ROW. Yes, there are many of you out there that exercise 7 days a week, I am not one of you. But this week I gave it my best shot!

Monday was HARD. Jacob apparently woke up and decided to pull out some weapons, those being the ridiculous 7 minute long circuits where you go from 50 jump jacks to 25 squats to a sprint, to jump squats, to squat thrusts, to a sprint, repeat, repeat, repeat. AGGGHHHH. You get the picture. I don’t know if my face has ever been redder. But what a way to start the week! Tuesday was more of the same, with more squats, jump squats, and pop squats than I think I have done in a week much less a session. According to Jacob “we’ll thank him later”. LOL, seriously. By Wednesday I couldn’t feel my butt or my triceps, but I powered through and again amazed my self at my ability to keep up.

A few things happened this week that really surprised me.

1. I pulled my back on Tuesday during stretching, and it REALLY hurt. You know the kind of pull where you think you might not be able to stand up straight. Not only did I power through and finish the whole workout, I woke up the next day and did it again. I am still in pain, but nothing a little ibuprofen won’t help.

2. I hate mountain climbers with a passion. That actually doesn’t surprise me, I just had to say it.

3. When you can’t do another push up, and then your trainer tells you to do another 30 seconds of push ups, the F word will just fly out of your mouth unexpectedly. Yes, even at 6 in the morning. Sorry to all my fellow boot campers, but sometimes there are just no other words.

4. For the first time in a long while, I found myself feeling guilty on Thursday that I couldn’t fit in any sort of workout. So today I braved the Philly Zoo by myself with both kids, and did a good 2 1/2 hours so I could get at least get a good walking workout in. That double stroller is heavy! (I promise I’ll do some squats too as soon as I finish this blog) 😉

So here I am on Friday afternoon, worked my butt off this week, my jeans are falling down around my hips (yay!) and the number on the scale is back where it was at the beginning of August. And only after 2 weeks!

So now I set my sights on what I really want to accomplish by the end of this session (well it may take a LITTLE longer than that). An adorable little plaid skirt with pink lace lining that my husband loves, and I haven’t worn since our honeymoon in Ireland 5 years ago…I will fit into that skirt if it kills me! But of course I’ll need a new pair of high boots to go with it…

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