Off to meet and workout with Jillian Michaels this afternoon

This afternoon I am headed to New York to meet and workout with Jillian Michaels, from the NBC show, The Biggest Loser. I am going with my neighbor who is a Body Pump Trainer. She is totally excited and looking forward to the butt kicking workout. Me on the hand.. I am a little nervous. I am not an exercise class worker-outer. I am more of a walker and bike rider. I am really afraid I am not going to being able to keep up and will get yelled at by Jillian. Yikes!

Our afternoon with Jillian is to pre-view her interactive game for Wii – Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010. The scheduled release date for the game is October 6, 2009.

Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 challenges players to a Hell Week-style boot camp featuring one-on-one workouts and all-new core exercises in cardio training, strength training, and balance training super-set routines. The game includes new additions like the “Fitness Resolution” in which you plan your six-month workout routine with a training schedule and the “Exercise with Jillian” component, which provides you with a one-on-one game with a 3D avatar of Jillian Michaels that demonstrates pre-made or custom routines. Sounds pretty cool!

Pre-Order your copy of Fitness Ultimatumn 2010

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