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Organizing Tips to get your home ready for BACK TO SCHOOL!

As parents of four children we are always searching for ways to organize our home especially during back to school time.

Over the last couple of years we’ve picked up some helpful tips. Here are a few suggestions to help ease the transition and promote a successful school experience for all memembers of your family.

Depending on the age of your children, these tips may or maynot work for you. If you have back to school tips, please share them in the comment section below. We can all learn from eachother.

Some Suggestions:

  • Designate an area for bookbags and sneakers. Encourage your child to put the bookbag in the same place everyday.
  • Buy a small plastic storage box and fill it with all the supplies your child will need throughout the school year. (colored pencils, glue sticks, scissors, markers, erasers, pencil sharpener) If you have more than one child, I would suggest getting them their own box. My children take ownership of “their box” and it cuts down on the confusion when they are doing their homework and projects at the same time.
  • For younger children who want to pick out their own school clothes but just don’t understand why they can’t wear their favorite hooded sweatshirt and pj bottoms to school try this… On Sunday, organize 5 outfits. Hang each outfit on a hanger. If you don’t have a place to hang the clothes so your child can reach, purchased a laundry organizer similar to this one for less than $25.00 then take the laundry bag out of it. This will created a place to hang all 5 outfits within reach of your child. Now, your child can be a “big girl or boy” and make a choice of which outfit he/she wants to wear Monday – Friday. They can get dressed by themselves and you don’t have to worry about being a fashion police.
  • Paperwork!! Get yourself an expandable folder for each child. Keep all important papers pertaining school in there. Create sections for permission slips, reminders sent home, school handbook, school directory, class list, schedules. Label one of the sections “MOM’S HOMEWORK”. This can be where your children empty their folders and put everything that came home from school that day.
  • Plan your meals ahead. As a child, my mother did most of her cooking on Sundays. I love the idea but unfortunately, I’m not that good at spending Sunday in the kitchen. Meal planning can be another very good way of making the most of our busy evenings. Simply posting your meals and shopping on the weekend can save you time. There is a new paint that turns into a chalkboard, if you want to get creative in your kitchen.
  • Do as much as you can the night before. Make lunches, program the coffee machine, line up schoolbags and sneakers. All these things will help make your morning a less hectic one.
  • Most important…..enjoy this time! Kids grow up so fast and before you know they will be graduating from school and you will be saying, where did the time go?

If you have tips on getting organized, please share them with us. We look forward to hearing your ideas and comments!

“Teamwork Makes The Dream Work!”

Craig & Gina Wiley
Coldwell Banker Preferred
390 Waterloo Blvd.
Exton, PA 19341
Office 610-363-6006 ex 6066

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